Wasserzeichen — vertikale, verschieden transparente Streifen bilden eine Tropfenform, deren Spitze nach links unten zeigt

Teilnehmen: Gesundheitsangebote

Alle Veranstaltungen, Angebote und Aktionen des Gesundheitsmanagements.
Illustration: freepik, bearbeitet von Susanne Bukatz

Ab dem 4. April um 9 Uhr können unsere Angebote für das Sommersemester 2024 gebucht werden. Dank unseres Kooperationspartners, der AOK Plus, die im Rahmen des Präventionsgesetz das Projekt unterstützt, ist die Teilnahme an unseren Kursen für Studierende der Uni Jena kostenlos

Spark your student life - resilience & happiness
verantwortlich: Kevin Zwinscher

Spark your student life: A course to more resilience, engagement, and happiness in student life


This course aims at providing you with practical tools, insights, and techniques that help you navigate student life with more well-being.


During our eight weeks together, we dive into value work, strengths-evoking techniques, self-exploration, and get to know mindfulness techniques. Emphasis is put on the integration and practical application of the course concepts. You’ll also hear about research findings on components of a life well-lived and how you might incorporate those into (y)our everyday life.


The weekly 90-minute group sessions encompass theoretical input but have a focus on practical implication including practical exercises, prompts for self-exploration, meditation, and discussions as well as home“work“ (home-exploration). 


If the course intrigues, you: You are warmly invited to join.

Ps: Please don’t let worries about your language proficiency discourage you from participating. If you were able to read this and you feel interested, this is the right course for you.


2004Online (only english)Mi17:30-19:00Zoom - Online Plattform10.04.-05.06.Anika Lichtenbergentgeltfrei